Prinsesse Ivar

Barn går ofte med vanskelige tanker inne i seg. Denne boka handler om å tørre å prøve ut slike tanker på veien til å finne ut hvem man er. Identitet handler om hvem vi forstår oss selv som, og om hvordan vi blir forstått av andre. I boka møter vi en gutt med et stort ønske. Hva vil skje hvis han prøver det ut? Målet med historien er at det skal skape mindre fordommer og mer toleranse i samfunnet vårt, at en skal kunne tørre å være den en er

Boken kan bestilles hos Haugenbok her .

Noa har en hemlighet

Barn går ofte med vanskelige tanker inne i seg. Denne boka handler om å tørre å prøve ut slike tanker på veien til å finne ut hvem man er. Identitet handler om hvem vi forstår oss selv som, og om hvordan vi blir forstått av andre. I boka møter vi en gutt med et stort ønske. Hva vil skje hvis han prøver det ut? Målet med historien er at det skal skape mindre fordommer og mer toleranse i samfunnet vårt, at en skal kunne tørre å være den en er

Boken kan bestilles hos Haugenbok her .

Vi skulle vært løver

En ny jente i klassen! Malin er spent. Kanskje er det en ny bestevenninne? Kanskje er hun en superjente som kan hamle opp med Sarah og de andre som bestemmer i klassen? Men da den nye jenta begynner, er hun svært sjenert. Malin forsøker å bli kjent med henne, men Leona er ikke enkel å komme inn på.Det viser seg at hun skjuler en hemmelighet, en hemmelighet som blir brutalt avslørt i gymgarderoben. Leona er født i feil kropp! Da får Malin får en ny utfordring: Er hun modig nok til å forsvare den som er utstøtt av alle de andre?

Boken kan bestilles hos Haugenbok her .

Jeg er ikke

En jente opplever en nestenulykke i New York, og brått husker hun ikke hvem hun er, hvordan og hvorfor hun har havnet der. Det eneste sporet hun har, er et sett nøkler og et krøllete brev adressert til broren som hun finner i jakkelomma.

Og så treffer hun Sam som bare gjør forvirringen enda større: “Jeg, Samuel Burns, måtte på tro og ære love at jeg aldri, aldri skulle snakke om broren din, og dette løftet har jeg tenkt å holde.”

Hva er det som er så hemmelig at hun nesten tok livet av seg?

En innsiktsfull og intens historie om det å se, om kjønnsidentitet, sannhet og løgn.

Boken kan bestilles hos Gyldendal her .


Regan’s brother Liam can’t stand the person he is during the day. Like the moon from whom Liam has chosen his female name, his true self, Luna, only reveals herself at night. In the secrecy of his basement bedroom Liam transforms himself into the beautiful girl he longs to be, with help from his sister’s clothes and makeup. Now, everything is about to change: Luna is preparing to emerge from her cocoon. But are Liam’s family and friends ready to welcome Luna into their lives?

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When Angela cuts off her hair, changes her name to Grady, and begins to live as a boy, her family and friends have trouble accepting the change.

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Almost perfect

Almost perfect

A small-town Missouri boy’s world is rocked when he falls for the new girl at school, and she eventually confesses that she is a biological male. Logan’s world is small, as is his mind at first, but throughout the book he grows to accept and love Sage for who—not what—she is. This remarkable book takes a hard look at the difficulties and pain experienced by young male-to-female transsexuals from an easily relatable perspective, as Julie Ann Peters did in Luna (Little, Brown, 2004). Logan is a conservative 18-year-old Everyman whose generic voice isn’t—and doesn’t need to be—anything special; although readers follow his growth, it is Sage’s story that is truly important. A remarkably “clean” book dealing with sexuality and identity, this is neither preachy nor didactic while directly challenging prejudice and intolerance. With realistic characters and situations, it is a first purchase for all high school collections, and could easily be given to middle school readers who are undaunted by its length.—Rhona Campbell, Washington, DC Public Library

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Becoming alec

Becoming alec

Alec always thought she was a lesbian. She got thrown out of her house for it as a teenager, in fact. But when she moves to Chicago she begins a journey of self- discovery that leads to a place that she never imagined possible. She discovers that she isn’

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Be who you are

Be who you are

Who You Are,” a children’s book starring a gender non-conforming child, Chicago writer Jennifer Carr tells the story of her family’s support for her son when he announced he feels like a girl inside.

Carr prefers the term “gender nonconforming” over “transgender” to avoid labeling Hope, whose feelings about gender could change going forward.

Boken kan bestilles hos Amazon her .

My princess boy

My princess boy

Dyson loves the color pink and sparkly things. Sometimes he wears dresses, and sometimes he wears jeans. He likes to wear his princess tiara, even when climbing trees. He’s a Princess Boy, and his family loves him exactly the way he is.

Inspired by the author’s son—and by the author’s own initial struggles to understand his choices—this is a story about unconditional love and one remarkable family. It is also a call for tolerance and an end to bullying and judgments, and a loving reminder that the world is a brighter place when we accept people for who they are.

Boken kan bestilles hos Amazon her .

10 000 dresses

10 000 dresses

Every night, Bailey dreams about magical dresses: dresses made of crystals and rainbows, dresses made of flowers, dresses made of windows. . . . Unfortunately, when Bailey’s awake, no one wants to hear about these beautiful dreams. Quite the contrary. “You’re a BOY!” Mother and Father tell Bailey. “You shouldn’t be thinking about dresses at all.” Then Bailey meets Laurel, an older girl who is touched and inspired by Bailey’s imagination and courage. In friendship, the two of them begin making dresses together. And Bailey’s dreams come true!

This gorgeous picture book—a modern fairy tale about becoming the person you feel you are inside—will delight people of all ages.

Boken kan bestilles hos Amazon her .

If you belive in mermaids

If you belive in mermaids.... don´t tell

Some things you just can’t say, even to your parents. “Dad, did you ever want to be a mermaid?” Nope. Don’t say it. Not if you’re a boy. You gotta keep it inside. Maybe thirteen-year-old Todd Winslow is the best diver at summer camp. If only diving could save him. Underwater is a much kinder world, a secret mermaid world that no one else can know about – not Dad, and definitely not Brad, the camp’s numero uno bad boy. Todd tries to fit in, playing nice with flirty model-wannabe Sylvie and shunning nature-nerd Olivia – but you can only fool people for so long. Brad is watching every move, ready to expose all that’s different about Todd. Then there’s the doll thing. And Dad finds out. How will Todd survive now? PRAISE FOR IF YOU BELIEVE IN MERMAIDS.DON’T TELL “.A welcome and courageous book that speaks out for young people to be true to who they are.” -Alex Sanchez, author of Rainbow Boys and So Hard to Say “Finally-a kid-friendly middle-grade novel that disputes the myth that there is just one way of being a boy.” -Catherine Tuerk, M.A., R.N., C.S., Nurse Psychotherapist ” … A refreshing look into the heart of a great kid who views the world through a slightly different lens.” -Kathleen Jeffrie Johnson, author of Target, The Parallel Universe of Liars, and Gone After winning the kindergarten jumping-rope contest, A. A. Philips grew up to become a writer, therapist, and teacher of literature with degrees from Middlebury, Harvard, and the University of

Southern Maine.

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Vi i Harry Benjamin ressurssenter jobber for personer som opplever kjønnsdyfori. Eller opplever det som veldig ofte blir omtalt på folkemunne et behov for å skifte kjønn, født i feil kropp. Noen bruker også transseksuelle, transkjønnet, trans, transperson. Dette er begreper vi ikke bruker. Disse begrepene oppleves som identitetskapende. På lik linje med andre som får en diagnose, så er ikke vi vår egen diagnose. Men vi har en diagnose.
Vi mener det er viktig at hver enkelt har en reel rett til egen definisjon. Derfor bruker vi i HBRS begreper som kjønnsdysfori, kjønnsinkongruens, kjønnsidentitetsutfordringer, kjønnsmangfold og div. andre begreper som sier hva det handler om, ikke hvem man er. Så er det opp til den enkelte hva som passer for de.